Rhode Island DMV Driving Test

Pass the Rhode Island Permit Test the first time with our FREE Rhode Island Practice Tests. Study real driving permit test questions from the DMV handbook!.

1. When you are in a dedicated turn lane controlled by a green arrow, which of the following is true?
2. Blind spots are:
3. When you're driving through a roundabout, which of the following statements is false?
4. More than ____ people die each year in alcohol-related collisions in the united states.
5. To help others see you when daylight begins to fade, you should use your:
6. If an emergency vehicle is approaching you with a siren and flashing lights on, you are required to
7. There are ____ different lane positions within a lane of travel.
8. When you enter a roundabout, you must drive
9. Which of these statements is true about drinking alcohol and driving?
10. Which of the following driving skills are affected by the use of alcohol and/or drugs?
11. When taking any medicine, you should:
12. A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:
13. If the roadway is wet or icy you should
14. When you park your vehicle on a downhill slope where there is no curb, you must
15. Which of these statements is true about large trucks:
16. If you see orange construction signs and cones on a freeway, you must:
17. Which of these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks?
18. The most common color of warning signs is:
19. Should your wheels drop off the roadway or pavement edge, you should:
20. Which of the following are hand signals for a right turn?

Rhode Island DMV Driving Test

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About Permit Practice Tests

To operate a motorcycle in Rhode Island, you must have a motorcycle license or permit. Licenses are issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). You must be at least 16 years old to apply for a motorcycle permit or license. A motorcycle permit or license allows you to operate a motorcycle, motorbike, scooter, or moped on public roads.

To receive a motorcycle permit, you must apply, hold a current Rhode Island provisional or standard driver's license, submit your documentation, complete a motorcycle safety course, and pay the fees. Once you have held your permit for at least 30 days, you can apply for a motorcycle license. To receive a motorcycle license, you must apply, submit your documentation, pass the written exam and the motorcycle driving test, and pay the fees.

All motorcycle coursework and testing must be completed through the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI). You will be required to pass a written exam and a riding test as part of your Basic Rider Course (BRC). If you fail to complete the coursework hours or fail the riding test twice, you may be required to retake the course.